Terms of Service and Privacy Policy


1. Sanford Logistics LLC, USA, which manages the www.bybarcode.net website, hereinafter referred to as “ByBarcode”. 2. The user who accesses the www.bybarcode.net website will be referred to as the Customer from now on.


ByBarcode may change the terms of use whenever necessary; Changes will be effective from the date of publication.

Every natural and legal person benefiting from ByBarcode services is deemed to have accepted every change made in the provisions of ByBarcode.


The subject of this contract is to determine the conditions of benefiting from the services to be provided by ByBarcode.


Customers declare and undertake that the personal and other information they provide while registering on the ByBarcode website is correct.

Customers must open a balance by making a pre-payment in order to benefit from the e-commerce distribution service. Other fulfillment and warehouse services must be paid within 1 week at the latest. 5% daily delay interest is applied for payments not made within the deadline.

Customers cannot give the privileges within the membership provided by ByBarcode to other persons or organizations, the right to use belongs only to the customer himself.

The customer accepts and undertakes in advance to comply with the provisions of the legal regulations and not to violate them while using ByBarcode services. Otherwise, all legal and penal obligations that will arise will bind the customer.

ByBarcode always reserves the right to unilaterally delete the customer's membership and/or block their account when necessary.

ByBarcode reserves the right to delete the membership and block the account of the customer, which it believes may pose a security risk.

ByBarcode can change and cancel the terms of the membership agreement at any time without notice. This will be binding on customers.


If customers do not notify ByBarcode before the end of the subscription period when they want to cancel the subscription, the subscription is automatically renewed. Memberships can be canceled, but fees paid to ByBarcode are non-refundable.

Subscriptions cannot be paused or temporarily suspended. When the customer cancels his membership, he can continue to use ByBarcode until the current membership period expires.

ByBarcode is a digital product of Sanford Logistics LLC, state of North Carolina. Sanford Logistics LLC is responsible for enforcing the state of North Carolina consumer laws.


ByBarcode may share the personal information of customers in good faith, provided that it is legal and complies with legal requirements.

ByBarcode uses the infrastructure of wise and transfer banks for payment. Therefore, it is out of question to keep the payment information in the payments to be made.


This agreement will remain in effect until one of the parties cancels the membership. In case of violation of the membership agreement, ByBarcode has the authority to terminate the agreement unilaterally.


Membership registration of the customer means that he has read and accepted all the articles in the contract. This Agreement is deemed to have entered into force mutually upon the customer's membership by entering their information on the www.Bybarcode.net website.